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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Diana Ravitch on Adell Cothorne

Diana Ravitch
Remember the D.C. Whistleblower? Adell Cothorne was the new principal at a highly-touted elementary school where test scores had gone up and off, off the charts. She said she walked in on a grade-erasure session, where staff members were changing student answers from wrong to right. When she blew the whistle on what she learned, she became a pariah and nearly lost her career. For a time, she ran a cupcake bakery. She appeared on John Merrow’s PBS program about the legacy of Michelle Rhee, telling her story.
Now she is back as an educator.
In this post, Cothorne tells us about her early years as a worker for McDonald’s. she reminds us why thousands of fast-food workers are demanding a living wage of $15 an hour. Employers say the rise in costs would be prohibitive for consumers. But would it? She says no.
Another side to this story, which Cothorne does not explore, is the millions of dollars that the heads of these corporations are paid. When you read about the corporate head of a fast-food chain who is paid $10 million a year while paying workers $7-9 an hour, you have to wonder if they have a conscience.

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