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Saturday, December 7, 2013

Kevin Galalae: A World Without Borders and Classes is In Our Future

Society is becoming a World without Borders and Classes 

Society is becoming a World without Borders and Classes
Canadian activist and writer Kevin Galalae believes the world is on track to achieve the globalist technocratic dream of ending nation-states
Many years ago, when the world was still in its undeveloped majority, the elite who control the planet devised a plan to get the most out of every resource that our planet had. In his journey to become a class "superior", the globalists decided it was his duty to kill most of the population of the world, because if he kept unrestricted, human devour the living planet.
Instead of trying to educate and teach mankind about the limits that would be needed regarding the use of resources, consumption and population growth, began to use chemical and biological weapons as part of its policy to get rid of billions of people in what Canadian author Kevin Galalae identified as the current Global Depopulation Policy.
In his book " Killing Us soflty: The Global Depopulation Policy , "Galalae exposes the reality of global depopulation. During his quest to uncover the murder of millions around the world, including those who were not born, Galalae contributed to global awakening on the policies of forced depopulation. He advocates inform people about what he believes is an overpopulation problem so people can be aware and voluntarily stopping current rates of reproduction.
Galalae, who is of Romanian origin, believes that humanity is capable of doing what the globalists can not, that is, educated and change their habits regarding the use of resources, consumption and birth rates.
Although history shows that carefully planned elite use people like cattle to exploit the planet's resources for later disposal when technological advances allowed them to mechanize the industry, believes the decision Galalae globalists occurred in reaction to a reality in which the population was out of control.
According Galalae, is in the hands of the people take power from the hands of the elite, demanding an end to the current agenda and taking responsibility in their own hands. Galalae has created a document called Our Mind , which he believes could become the model for a new global reality, where people live in a world without borders, a global classless society. He believes that nation-states, but were useful for some time, are now a thing of the past.
According to their research, the boundaries are responsible for the social and economic inequality, and restricting the free movement of persons. During a recent interview, Kevin Galalae explained that plans such as Agenda 21, the Law of the Sea Treaty and the Study of Biodiversity by the United Nations are "bitter pills" that humanity must swallow in order to have a promising future. Moreover, he said that the implementation of the policies contained in the globalist traditional proposals are "necessary evils" that we all must endure. When asked about the fate of humanity, says that "population control was the logical solution to the old dilemma of ensuring that people do not exceed available resources and despair bring them to resort to the invasion of their weak to take what was not his neighbors. "
I interviewed Mr. Galalae on the future of the company and its proposal to turn the world into a single unit, a happy world as he described it.
Luis Miranda: There seems to be a contradiction in the elite about why we are killing flagrantly. It seems that all that is needed to make people more aware about the environment, population growth, health, etc, is education. That is why you are probably in the fight, writing books and trying to educate people. I guess the question is why did the globalists global campaign to educate the masses, rather than a campaign of death in the world?
Kevin Galalae: There were too many structural and practical obstacles in the way. They were, in other words, limited by circumstances. At the end of the Second World War, Europe was in ruins, Japan devastated by atomic bombs, China barely kept body and soul together, and the rest of the world was severely damaged and traumatized by the brutality of the conflict. There was no time for education and there was a receptive audience.
The Americans had to act and had to do so immediately. And so did the Soviets. Save Europe and Japan were hungry military and the methods chosen prerogatives were forceful and brutal, but effective. In parallel with the reconstruction efforts, which were immediate, it was making a long-term effort to safeguard peace and stability, which depended entirely on the ability to control population growth.
Once the Americans and the Soviets decided to use it to control covert poisoning the population was no turning back. Were they committed genocide and neither the law nor the people nor the political process could have or would have justified their actions. At the same time, if they had not acted on the spot and if they had waited another generation or two, it would have been too little too late.
Stopping population growth requires time. Demographic targets can only be achieved through multiple generations. It's like an ocean liner redirect the wind and ocean currents with only two oars. It is a battle against the natural order of things, as it challenges the strongest human instincts, the survival instinct and the instinct to procreate. Only man can stop the man until the moment that man gains the wisdom to avoid. That wisdom is only now within reach of most.
Luis Miranda: My guess is that the globalists had always intended to use them all like cattle to exploit the planet's resources, become all powerful, and once our work was not good enough for them, because they already had the technology to do better without us, would get rid of the slaves. Otherwise, it would have used its long arm to educate us to be conscious about the use of resources. But that was not his goal. In my research, I discovered that never cared about the planet or the people, because they believe they are a superior race, they would be able to throw off this planet once they had finished with all resources.
Galalae Kevin: No, there was no master plan to sacrifice the human population. Understanding the demographic sprawl lead again and again to devastating wars over resources led to the political class to find a substitute to war and therefore prevent nuclear confrontation, that would be the end of all men, rich and poor alike.
Partnerships had failed to keep the peace, the League of Nations had failed to keep the peace, therefore, something new and radical had to be treated. The control population was the logical solution to the old dilemma of ensuring that people do not exceed available resources and despair made them resort to invasion of their weaker to take what was not his neighbors.
Wealth and privilege do not produce contempt for nature. They can produce disdain for people, but not nature. Every human being on the planet by nature is concerned, regardless of their social position. The love of nature is in our DNA. The realization that all share a planet is elementary.
Although the technology existed to allow a few rich be shifted to other planets, and if those planets were available, no human being would be dumb enough to leave Earth because of the dangers of space. We are tied to our emotional and biologically planet and this connection is stronger than anything else.
Luis Miranda: What would happen to any single nation, group of people or individual that does not adhere to its plan Our Mind ? There seems to be no room for dissent.
Kevin Galalae: The flexibility of allowing dissent and respect the lifestyles of those who refuse to abandon their loyalties and outmoded ideologies is integrated into the Top Ten, which states that we should allow "enclaves of regional and cultural differences stubborn to live near their norms and values, provided they are limited to what is clearly delineated geographical areas and not impose their rules on the citizens of the world passing by or choose to reside in or have their area of control. "
This approach will enable a smooth transition to a global human system by allowing conservative groups time to evolve to the highest level of consciousness required for a world where lives according to the Principles of Our Mind and welfare of all the world and future generations in mind. In other words, the more reluctant to take the leap of faith they will do once they see that life is much better and more noble in a global community that has emancipated a life beyond nation-states.
Luis Miranda : His proposal differs greatly from that of the elite, but generally speaking, Our Mind is very similar. There will be many people who are opposed to it, because millions of people around the world still believe that politically independent nation-states are the best way to keep the peace. Some of the most serious conflicts in the 20th century originated in the efforts of the elite to destroy nation states. How is nationalism an obstacle to world peace?
Kevin Galalae: The natural progression of human societies has been of smaller units to larger units. Here's how we moved from clans to tribes to villages to cities city-states to the rulers to nation states and finally the multi-state policies unions.
Nation states and their borders are artificial lines of division that are not only irrelevant politically but also an impediment to prosperity and global cooperation. We face global problems require global solutions. We engage in world trade that requires the removal of tariffs and duties.
We face environmental problems do not stop at national borders. The goods and services we need are produced with natural and human resources around the world and despite protectionist barriers erected by countries.
People can not live and work where you want and where it is needed, but instead are trapped within national borders and imprisoned by the socio-political in their countries systems and bureaucracies that are self perpetuating and hold them hostage .
What we need is to shatter all artificial dividing lines and strengthen all natural denominators. The nation-state is a relatively new entity and its time has passed. Nations play the us against them mentality of native versus foreign, foreign vs. native. However, we are all inhabitants of planet earth and members of the same species, the human species.
Looking at the Earth from space we see no borders. We only see the oceans and continents. Those are the only natural division points and they have eliminated through modern means of transportation and communication. What stands in the way of free movement of people and goods are the artificial boundaries, which are being monitored as prison walls, because that is what nation states are prisons. Try to immigrate and you'll know what I'm talking about.
Nation states bring men in uniform at the border by intrusive questions, infringing our privacy, strong enough to destroy the whole car, you have to undress, and interrogated for hours. It means opposing armies against armies. Means exorbitant amounts of money are wasted on non-existent threats and weapons storage and paying hundreds of thousands of men to make them inactive. Means bureaucracies and barriers that limit what we can do and if we do, where we live and if we can live there, where we can travel and if we can go.
My father died of a heart attack while being harassed by thugs like these on the border between Hungary and Austria, because my grandmother, who was traveling with him, did not have proper transit visa. I have no love for nation states and no use for them. They are an anachronism and hope to see the day when none exists and to consider and treat each man on earth as my compatriot and brother.
Only a common destiny avoid conflicts and ensure universal cooperation and mutual benefit. The nation-state is obsolete and a barrier to these necessary objectives. Our home is our planet, our entire planet, and there are no artificial barriers that should stand in the way of our freedom and brotherhood.
Luis Miranda: Democracy has well served the elite as it is much easier to control the masses if they believe they have a choice, but really do not. In many countries, people still talk about democracy as the source of all the benefits the country. They do not realize that democracy usually keeps the country hostage to the dictatorships of political parties and ideological groups.
Kevin Galalae: Democracy is so imperfect as man himself. A democracy is only as good as the quality of its people. To improve democracy we have to improve ourselves, our level of education, our participation in public policy, awareness of the obstacles to justice and prosperity.
Our democracies are overwhelmed by our lack of participation. We have lost control of the political process by default, by our lack of commitment by our carelessness and laziness. No democracy is at fault, but our lack of participation. Democracy is a game of balancing conflicting demands. If a team fails to throw the whole thing becomes unbalanced.
The Global Autocracy has replaced national democracy by our apathy because we are trapped behind the national policy, while international, the only policy that is important in the era of globalization policy is carried out by the elite who has joined and has taken control of the institutional infrastructure of global governance. If we want democracy to work again we must democratize international governance system.
What we need is more democracy, not less. What we need is democracy internationally, if our national democracies want to have prosperity again in a globalized world. So, national democracies are being usurped and subverted by global autocracy. And that is because the elite are trying to free ourselves from the shackles of nation states.
Luis Miranda: Why do you believe that nationalism and independent nation-states are a threat to world peace if history shows us the exact opposite?
Kevin Galalae: Nation states have fulfilled their purpose and outlived their usefulness. They have allowed us to graduate as feudal principalities to a larger social and political organization and a more complex and larger in the area of economic integration form entity. Now we have to think, trade and live in a globalized world, the nation state is too small in scope and vision for this task. He keeps us in a bygone era, prevent workers organizing across borders to be contrary to the capital, to be free to move across borders without hindrance force. Keeps people on suspicion of other nations and counterproductive competition with other nations for resources to be shared without prejudice prescribed by national prerogatives and narrow nationalist sentiments. It forces us to spend large amounts of money and resources in preparing for war with other nations.
The distant history shows that nation-states have contributed to world peace by allowing greater integration and cooperation. Recent history, however, shows that the nation-states in the way of our need to move to global integration and cooperation, which are absolutely necessary if we want to maintain peace and promote prosperity, if we are evolving to a global civilization, and if we want to preserve the planet for future generations.
Luis Miranda: What is the difference between theft done by government of private property and the income of individuals and businesses and what you propose on the principles of Our Mind ?
Kevin Galalae: The current system is animated by the naked and therefore profit, because it can take more than others what is their fair share. Everyone deceives others for most of the cake. The law of the jungle applies. The abuses lead to a system that has been bearable as long as the economy grows and people can at least make a decent living. In a shrinking economy, however, the abuse of this system can no longer be ignored as a growing segment of the population can no longer make a living. Therefore, this system is collapsing under its own weight and its own self-defeating premise.
Principles of Our Mind creates the right to work and a living wage are fundamental rights. Thus, the incentives built into the system that exclude, marginalize, cheat and monopolize deleted. The free market will not be allowed to pay wages that keep people in poverty. At the same time, no one is allowed to be idle. It will be cheaper usefully employ everyone instead of keeping them out of the economy and suppress wages.
Money must circulate to keep the economy flowing and the best way to keep money in circulation is universal participation and a living wage. Once all are working, the burden on the State, for wellness programs greatly reduced and the number of hours worked for all decreases. This, of course, can only work if all the principles apply our mind , as they are complementary.
The rationale of the economy will ensure the economic security of the individual, not to increase profits for a select few. In such a system there is no reason and no incentive to steal from others, or for the state to steal from people and businesses. Such a system will not be adversarial or competitive, but be symbiotic and cooperative.
Luis Miranda: How will practice fiscal equality, as there are many loopholes for companies to avoid paying taxes? Who will enforce the payment of taxes, especially for corporations? How to resolve tax evasion through philanthropy?
Kevin Galalae: Principle 1 simplifies the tax code and unites all earners with hip so that there will be no gaps or tax complexities. Everyone pays 25% tax, with increases or decreases in the whole system, and the largest source of income can not receive more than 10 times the salary of the lowest. While productivity is maintained at a reasonable level. Lazy are not allowed to drag down the rest, and so the economy must stay well. To seal the system, physical money can be completely removed and replaced with a global digital currency, which is where we are heading.
Luis Miranda: Why blame capitalism for social inequality, if the planet has not enjoyed free market capitalism for 100 years? Maybe much longer?
Galalae Kevin : Is that unbridled capitalism to blame, for it lacks one, blind to the destruction of the environment, indifferent to human suffering social conscience. Unbridled capitalism should never be free, it would mean the death of us all. Economic considerations can not be above everything else. The free market capitalism would free capital of all social, humanitarian, environmental and political aspects. The profit organization that operates in a social vacuum lead to the lowest common denominator all wages, working conditions, safety, pensions, etc..
Because economic considerations are so immediate, so inevitable and so universal, they already have a natural advantage over all other aspects of society, so it must be tempered by the strong real-time controls and strategic planning long term. In other words, they should be humanized and tamed. The human desire knows no bounds, so it must be tempered by our collective consciousness. An unbridled free market economy would be like letting the human desire to run loose without control. The result, as we are seeing, is immoral and senseless greed.
On the other hand, an unbridled free market economy is messy, wasteful and largely unaddressed because it is chaos. It lacks a guiding intelligence and human life can not thrive in chaos, it needs order. Chaos begets cruelty. Order begets compassion. Luis Miranda: In relation to the New World Order you speak, in the event that the proposal is adopted, it would be difficult to find someone who wants the UN or any other globalist organization are responsible for all the strength military or the laws. The concern of the people about the UN or any other body that controls an army or world politics comes from the dictation that says something like "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Is not it better to engage people locally to understand politics and participate instead of feeling marginalized and throw their hands up in resignation while giving power to the globalists? Galalae Kevin: The United Nations must become the United People's Organization. We must maintain its infrastructure but substitute your heart. We must democratize before we can trust her with anything. But that can not happen until the borders of nations cease to exist.
I agree. Involving people at the local level corruption drive down because there will be more eyes watching and more minds contributing to the decision-making process. The power brokers no longer be able to hide in their ivory towers far from the scrutiny and the cries of the masses. Luis Miranda: Do not you think that the policy is run locally ensure greater accountability to the electorate?
Galalae Kevin: Yes, the local policy will ensure greater accountability, but the geopolitical and strategic issues that a broader view of local politics can not provide required. The world can not be executed by a million local entities, each seeking the welfare of only a small number of local people. There will be coordination and cooperation without direction, without common purpose and common destiny without. The world would be engulfed in senseless disputes over small matters, while more important issues remain unresolved until it's too late.
That is why local politics should be restricted to local issues. That said, national and international political entities should be aware of the reality on the basis that local politics can only accurately measure. Local, national and global political structures are also necessary, but each must be limited to the different areas of responsibility and act to check and balance the failures and abuses of others. Luis Miranda: Open borders, as recent history shows only harms the lives, destroyed herds and make industry subclass. Again, this has much to do with nationalism and standards of living in different parts of the world. It is unrealistic to try to make all live under the same social, economic, etc standards. Is not it true that the imposition of one culture on another culture cause destabilization and balkanization finally broken societies?
Kevin Galalae: There can be no peace and stability in the world, without shame, until we share a common destiny. For this to happen, nations must be disintegrated. Are the walls that separate us. The transition from a world of independent nation-states to a united world can not be without pain or sacrifice. It is the biggest change in history, both in scope and size. It would not be reasonable to expect a smooth transition. Also it would be unreasonable to believe that can be achieved without huge sacrifices from everyone.
The cultural, linguistic, religious and political differences between nations and regions are the result of centuries of physical isolation. This isolation is gone and the more we relate to others and the more interdependent on each are, we will be more similar. There is a process of cultural homogenization in place that moves at a rapid pace and is unstoppable.
No sense lamenting the loss of cultures and languages, that nothing be lost. Everything is being poured into a brave new world that is of our own creation and contains the soul and matter of every human being on Earth and the ideas and ideals of each culture that ever lived.
We are forging a new common culture. Let's keeping the best aspects of each and discarding the worst. Let's do it wholeheartedly, not grudgingly. I want to live to see the day when I can pick up my bags and move to the other end of the world to live and work without anyone stopping me do it.
Luis Miranda: Is not the policy of open borders one of the tools for social conflict, balkanization, instability and ultimately the breakdown of nation states?
Kevin Galalae: It is perceived as such, without understanding the underlying objective, which is global unity. As the socio-economic structures of the nation-states break to be reconstituted worldwide, major disruptions are inevitable. It is the short-term pain for long-term benefits. The conflict arises because people do not understand the purpose and distrust of authority, he is doing a lousy job of explaining both its purpose and the consequences of its realization.
It is as if ashamed to admit they are involved in a project of annihilating nations and free ourselves from the shackles of past ideologies and archaic systems. They should be shouting from the rooftops with pride and bravery, it is the most noble task.
Luis Miranda: It is true that free trade agreements have proved to be tools of corporate monopoly control where corporations get written agreements incomparable advantages over smaller and more vulnerable economies?
Kevin Galalae: Free trade agreements are necessary to break the Trojans national protectionism and isolation. Giant corporations are required to perform this costly and time consuming. Small businesses do not have the means or ability required strength to shatter the old and entrenched economic structures. Once nations are gone and the barriers and obstacles that stood in the way of free and unrestricted movement of labor and capital have gone with them, even the smallest business will be able to sell their products and services worldwide.
Corporations and free trade agreements are necessary evils during this period of transition between the national segmentation for global unification. The effort of globalization does not have to deal with small and vulnerable economies, since the objective is to create a single global market that will benefit all. We're going through labor pains and bloody and messy, but we have to endure the pain to see the new born baby.
Luis Miranda: How would the so-called free trade under the principles of Our Mind ?
Kevin Galalae: Once the national states are gone, the Breton Woods institutions will become obsolete. Your goal now is to oversee the creation of a global socio-economic system, requiring the destruction of the old and fragmented national systems and reconstitution into a new, unified global system. Corporations became due to the policies of the Bretton Woods, who needed these economic giants to obliterate national protections.
Viewed from this perspective, policies are the policies and legal tools of economic destruction tools, weapons and ammunition. But it's more than that, as there are simply destroy the old also create new. As such they are also the brick and mortar of this new global building.
The globalists need to destroy the old to create something new from the ashes. They do so via monetary coercion. History shows that all attempts to forge unity world by military force have failed. That is why monetary coercion has replaced military force as the means to achieve secular goal of global unity.
Since people can not agree on anything, any form of coercion is needed to force everyone to march in the same direction and play by the same rules. Monetary coercion is the least painful. It also has the advantage of diverting anger and frustration toward a nonphysical entity. The monetary system and the so-called invisible hand of the market are abstractions. One can not take your anger with abstractions. You can not shoot or bomb the money free market, as it could trigger a military force to invade and bomb a base.
These institutions, therefore, are anything but ineffective thing.
Luis Miranda: Is there any guarantee that the most powerful countries will be governed by the laws of Our Mind if no global power to enforce its principles?
Kevin Galalae: If the principles of Our Mind is not eagerly and voluntarily adopted by virtue of its superior vision and practicality, then there is no force on earth that can impose the peoples of the world. It is the ideas and ideals contained in the operating principles that guarantee success. But they have to be heard. Once the attention of people with the words of the principles, their hearts and minds will follow.
So I say that what the world needs is not a new world order, but a new Axial Age. That is, our evolution depends on our ability to rise to a higher level of consciousness, not our will to have a major political force. Principles of Our Mind show people how to rise to a higher level of consciousness. UN coerce peoples and nations to submit their will.
The principles give meaning to the lives of people and shape human civilization. Ties the local to the global and the individual to the collective, without sacrificing individual freedom and human dignity. People and countries that do not have to comply with the principles should embrace as a man embraces a woman with love and tenderness.
You do not have to force men and women who look at each other. They do it because it is within their nature. Humans are attracted to what is beautiful, what is fair, what is honorable. Principles of Our Mind are exactly that.
Luis Miranda: Do you support that the UN is the sole judge to resolve international conflicts?
Kevin Galalae: No. We the people need to take control of the UN. The United Nations should become United Gentes. Democratizing the levers of international governance requires that we rise in the mass control and demand. But we can not demand control unless we have a better plan than the elite.
Principles of Our Mind is our plan. We must agree on it and get support. There will be conflicts if we all agree on the same thing and contribute and sacrifice for the same goals. There will be resistance if our plan, if you are working on this and if we all understand what we want and how.
If you speak and act like a pack of stunned animals will not make us elite case and move on in their own ways and at our expense, not because they want to but because they have no choice. But if we're smarter than they are, then they will leave room for greater intelligence and greater heart.
Luis Miranda : Would it be the UN is the only body with military power?
Kevin Galalae: The Pope has no military force but still demand tremendous respect. The Dalai Lama has not a single soldier, but he is the embodiment of the best traits of human nature and when he speaks, listen billion. Mohammed has been dead for nearly fourteen centuries ago, but he is alive and well in the hearts of a billion Muslims, Jesus is alive and well in the hearts of billions of Christians, and as Gandhi is alive and well in the hearts of one billion Indians, whether Hindu or not.
The world's greatest power is not derived from the military but from the power of conviction, that mixture of love and reason.
I do not want to see any absolute military power. I want to remove the military profession to forget. I want to put the power of conviction in the heart of every man and woman, who are inspired by love and reason, not by a basic instinct. When every human being on the planet is animated by love and reason and human civilization empowers them to put love and reason in the middle of their lives and at the core of their existence, there is no need for armies or weapons .
Neither the UN nor any other region or organization should resort to military power. In the age of enlightenment only care about the power of conviction. Luis Miranda: Do you support legislation or policies such as Agenda 21, the Law of the Sea Treaty and the United Nations Study on Biological Diversity? 
Kevin Galalae : Agenda 21 is a bitter medicine that we all must take if the world better. It is necessary to reverse the damage done for generations, and we do not have or could not foresee the future consequences of our actions combined. We have sickened the world and now we have to cure.
The Law of the Sea Treaty to the seas is what Agenda 21 is for the land. It global rules on the use of these resources are set. Without such a framework, the seas and oceans remain used and abused by all.
The Biodiversity Convention is to ensure the continuity of life on earth in all its forms.
Agenda 21 and the Law of the Sea Treaty show concern for future generations, while the Biodiversity Convention is concerned that all live on earth and not just humanity.
I support the goals of the three, but I detest the dishonest way in which they are carried out and the patronizing way that we are being deprived of knowledge of the hidden and parallel goals of these international treaties, all of which depend to halt and reverse the growth of the population.
That there is a need to regulate and manage all resources in a sustainable way is a testament to the fact that we are using all the natural resources the earth has to offer and are consuming beyond the planet's capacity to regenerate, leaving a world stripped our children. Like it or not, this has to stop and this can only be stopped if we make an active effort to conserve and preserve and if we reduce our numbers to a sustainable level. This will be a painful process. We are paying for the sins and ignorance of our ancestors.
Luis Miranda: How important would the family (mother, father and their children) in a world governed by Our Mind ?
Kevin Galalae: The family is the basic molecule of the living organism of the human civilization. Without it there is no civilization and humanity. The family is the incubator and the Dome of love and love is the blood of mankind and the energy that fuels human life. You destroy the family and destroy humanity. All in Our Mind and all about this proposal is to improve and help the family. Why? The reason is simple. Man without woman is nothing like a woman without a man is nothing. The family is where men and women can come together and engage each other so they can build a better world for their children, the sum total of your love and efforts.
Luis Miranda: A world governed by these principles encourage the education of children in the family, rather than indoctrination centers controlled by governments? Galalae Kevin: The family must be and must remain at the center of education children. Only family can enrich the education of a child with the virtues and qualities of character, as opposed to mere factual knowledge. Only the family can feed the hunger of children for love and affection. Only family can selflessly give unconditional love that children need to thrive.
The importance of family is also in its ability to give variety and nuances to the education of children. Therefore, it is important for the continuity of the species as biological variation is for the continuity of life.
Schools and universities feed only on the mind, but not forge the spirit. Families do that. Moreover, the acquisition of knowledge is undergoing a revolution of learning to self learning. Computers and the World Wide Web have made the information accessible to all of us at home. Once children learn how to learn and acquire a love of learning, schools become redundant things. The world is the best classroom and the digital era brings the world into our homes.
Luis Miranda: What is your definition of God?
Kevin Galalae: God's natural laws of the universe, the dance of matter and energy, the love that fills our hearts, the consciousness that allows us to know right from wrong and the light that generates life.
Luis Miranda : Are not you and your family victims of transition that humanity is experiencing and that apparently will be in the future that you advocate? Galalae Kevin: Yes, I am a victim of the painful transition to global governance . My particular case is very interesting because it embodies the many things that can go wrong when the international community pursues its globalization goals through coercion and manipulation. First, the wall of silence to hide the depopulation effort has been forced to limit our rights of expression and as I am a pretty good person, was a victim of censorship and surveillance program instituted to control freedom of expression through universities.
Second, because the Muslim world is the last point of resistance, the globalists have needed to demonize and vilify Muslims to weaken their resolve and protections before invading their countries, and as I defended the rights of expression for everyone in the world Academics, including Muslims, I became the object of racial hatred, intolerance and prejudice, even within my own family. I suffered retaliation as a result of this - and that I intended to scare me to silence - now part of the public record, but failed.
Third, embittered by retaliation and revenge, I defended myself and I set programs and fundamental policies of the global depopulation agenda, so I went into direct conflict with the guardians of depopulation policy. In despair over his failure to force me into submission first and then to restrain the authorities have abused the rule of law even more, with even more disastrous for the credibility and legality of the system results. But that's what happens when hidden objectives pursued in insidious and immoral ways. People become secondary to the larger goal, like rights and freedoms are being violated by international security prerogatives. The blunt tools of global governance, which lack democratic oversight adopt structural violence in a high order of magnitude.
Luis Miranda: If all the elite has sought after the war has been the creation of a world government to "save us all from ourselves," everything good and everything bad that happens is part of the transition, according to you, we all have to go through in order to achieve the ultimate goal of having a borderless society, without classes. Can we then say that your family, from the time his father was abused by the Communists until now, when you suffer abuse from Canadian authorities, pay the price in the transition to achieve the perfect global society? 
Kevin Galalae: My family has paid the highest price, because that's what happens to people who will never give up their rights and freedoms and never will accept and support prostitution or lies to social or economic benefit. Without people who are willing to sacrifice everything for his conscience and the common good, society would have fallen victim to the tyranny. My sacrifices, the sacrifices of my father and the sacrifices of activists and freedom fighters around the world are preventing the transition to a global society disintegrates into anarchy and lack of heart.We are the last remaining dictatorship safeguarding world during this difficult and dangerous transition. We are the ones to take up arms when the authorities are exceeded. We are the ones that strike fear in those who have used the power wantonly and are tempted to use it regardless of life and human suffering. We are here, we are here to stay, and we have drawn a line in the sand and defend it with our lives.
Luis Miranda: Is Barack Obama the ultimate "hero" globalist who has helped advance the agenda of the elite?
Kevin Galalae: The globalization effort has no heroes. It's in the hands of bureaucrats, technocrats and administrators. They are riding a wild horse and barely able to stay in the chair. The agenda of the elite, that is, to create a borderless world, will become our agenda once we take control of the process. Instead of being helpless victims, we become masters of our destiny.
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